Friday, December 11, 2009

Coming Soon...

"Making of America" Seminar will be on January 9, 2010. It will be held @ the Benton PUD. The cost is $10.00 per person. For more information email Doug Knighton at

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Glenn Beck Online

If anyone is interested in watching Glenn Beck on Fox online here's a link:

Monday, June 1, 2009

Minutes of last meeting Sat May 30th

Hi everybody. We had a pretty good turnout considering the beautiful day that it was; approximately 100 of us showed up.
The meeting was only 1hour long but covered some important topics. Roy gave an excellent presentation on principles of liberty and some great ideas on how we can immediately start bringing about REAL change for the good of our country and ultimately our families. Educate ourselves with regards to the city council members who are up for re-election this year and vote only for those who have exhibited sound judgement with regards to principles of freedom and liberty; if none are available we've got to try and find principled people who understand these things. Also Roy spoke about the issue of Hydropower not being listed as a renewable energy resource in our state. He is working to get that changed; possibly by using the process of a peoples' initiative where we take the issue straight to the people for a vote.
The folks who've been organizing the local tea parties also took some time to discuss some of the successes and road-blocks they've been encountering. For more information about what they're doing visit their website at

On a personal note I'd like to encourage everybody to have the courage to open your mouth in defense of the principles of truth and liberty. We have a knowledge that many people do not have. Others will be drawn to the cause when they see us living these principles ourselves-- educating ourselves, being vocal and being a force for positive change.

I think I speak for the whole group when I say that it was good to be together again and I look forward to the next meeting. I'll try to schedule something for the end of this month.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Next meeting

Hi everybody. Next meeting is as follows:
Location: PUD Auditorium
Date: May 30th
Time: 6:00pm

We'll have a PA system this time thanks to Mike Caplin. Here's a brief agenda.

6:00 Pledge of allegiance and opening prayer
6:05 Review of last meeting including May12th email blitz.
6:15 Roy Plunkett. Roys' presentation will be centered on principles of the constitution and how they relate to the issues at all levels of government. He'll also be leading a discussion centered around what we can do to affect change where needed.
7:00 Wrap up and closing prayer.

!!!!Remember to invite other people!!! We need to grow or else we'll die.
Any questions or comments let me know.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What do we hope to accomplish?

Hey everybody. The meeting held Tuesday at the PUD was a success. Wasn't it? What do we want to accomplish by holding these monthly meetings? I'm starting this post in the hopes that we will post ideas and comments indicating what our individual vision for the group is.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Info on 5000 Year Leap

At the next meeting we will be discussing the Cleon Skousen book, "The 5000 Year Leap." Apparently it is difficult to find locally.

Cara Linde sent us the following email on 2/16:

I have had a hard time locating the book "5000 year leap" in town and as of yesterday Amazon had a 2-3 week to ship and Barnes and Noble was 1-2week to ship. I called Far West Book Store today and they are ordering the book for me tomorrow and it will be there in about 2-3days. They will offer us 15% off as a book club discount if people want to go in there to buy it. Like I said, it will be there in about 2-3 days. If anyone is interested they will write down our group name and people can just ask at the counter or let them know they are with our group to get the discount.The cost through our group would be $12.70 with no shipping. That's for a hardbound copy.

Far West Books is located by Luke's Carpet and behind the Boy Scouts of America office building on Gage. (Across the boulevard from Costco.) Far West Books phone number, 735-1402. I'll tell them to list our group as the Glenn Beck book group and/or the 9.12 book group. I thought it would be great to 1) get it sooner than I could get online, 2) get a hardback, 3) support a local small business.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Update on the Next Meeting

It's official. The PUD has been reserved for Tuesday, April 14th from 7:00pm-10:00pm. The Auditorium will hold 288 people, but there is only seating for about 135, so it might be a good idea to bring a folding chair of some sort.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Calling for Suggestions

There were lots of good ideas thrown around @ the meeting today. Just a thought: If you have any comments or suggestions for discussion @ the next meeting leave a comment below. Thanks!