Monday, March 16, 2009

Update on the Next Meeting

It's official. The PUD has been reserved for Tuesday, April 14th from 7:00pm-10:00pm. The Auditorium will hold 288 people, but there is only seating for about 135, so it might be a good idea to bring a folding chair of some sort.


Jennifer said...

I think maybe at the next meeting on Tuesday the 14th, we should brainstorm some ideas as to what we might like to see as a collective group on a website. Maybe we can come up with some cross reference links to different informative resources as well as an overview as to what we hope to accomplish as a group and how we plan on accomplishing it. Anyway, maybe be thinking about some ideas that will benefit our cause to educate and inform about the 12 values and 9 principles, and to utilize the internet to get those ideas across.

Ross Burton said...


Why is the meeting 3 hours, and what is it about?


Anonymous said...

I like the idea the idea of a website where we could all post links, etc., to keep informed as to what is going on in our government. Here's an example...there's a rally in Olympia in April to send a message of No New Taxes. You can join the petition at (which incidentally was sent to me by Rep. Delvin) One of the posts mentioned setting up an association with dues, etc. I'd be cautious as I believe there are documents that have to be filed with the State and exemptions that need to be in place tax wise on the federal level.

Paige said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ross Burton said...


Thank you, I have been following the 9-12/We Surround Them project, but I had a brain dump and thought there was something I was missing.
This project has been the single most inspiring project I've ever come across. It is the only one I have decided to take part in.

I realize this may be a bad place for putting in a plug/question, but... I was going to go to Vancouver, WA for a tax protest in April. After some thinking, I don't think it would work for me to haul 5 kids aged 9 and younger that far. I tried to find something locally, and could not. I started a facebook group and am organizing one, but I am still hoping one exists so I can just attend.

Does anyone know of any tax day tea parties or tax protests in the area?

Anonymous said...

is there a reason that you couldn't reserve on the 15th to coincide with the Tax Day Tea Party? I would like to host a meeting that incorporates both ideals and they are compatible however I wouldn't want to interfere with your plans.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there to attend and contribute. I will also be at John Dam Plaza in Richland across from the Federal the next evening to join the Tax Day Tea Party from 4:30 until 6:00pm

Anonymous said...

det -- everything I've read has the John Dam Plaza tea party starting at 6:00pm.

Anonymous said...

Several groups had been planning events and all decided to merge and run from 4pm to 7pm at John Dam Plaza in Richland.

Anonymous said...

Excellent meeting tonight.

I will be working with folks in Richland to start a 912 group in Richland.

During the meeting we agreed that starting groups in each City of our area was a good idea and a few came up to me to give names and emails but sadly we ran out too quickly I think.

Either way, I'll work to get a meet going in Richland and a 912 book club for folks that are interested.


Unknown said...

Newstalk 870AM has the link
back on the website for the project, just click on
"stay informed" on the home
page left hand menu and it
will take you the
link to here as well as
Glenn's site..
Please let us know of the next
meeting...we will publicize.
John McKay
Newstalk 870AM KFLD