Saturday, March 14, 2009

Calling for Suggestions

There were lots of good ideas thrown around @ the meeting today. Just a thought: If you have any comments or suggestions for discussion @ the next meeting leave a comment below. Thanks!


Aaron said...

I am hoping that we really can accomplish something with this vehicle that we have set in motion. I agree with Doug when he said (something to the effect that) He doesn't want this to turn into a "vent" only forum. I believe that we should identify items of mutual interest that we can work on and then go do it. Together we can make a difference! We do surround them!

Jeff said...

Hello All,
I would like our group to write the Obama networks(abc nbc cbs msnbc and cnn)and let them know we are dissapointed in their unamerican untruthfulness. We need to start hurting these networks where it counts. The wallet. We can even write the companies that advertise with them. Let these companies know we will no longer support them if they support the obama networks. It would be good to get a network to defend our constitution and seek the truth.

Unknown said...

The election of President Obama has served to wake the sleeping giant, my prayer is that this giant doesn't wake up just long enough to roll over. I was delighted to see so many young people(30's 40's) at the meeting. I have been alive long enough to remember the 60's, 70's and so on. It began with taking prayer out of our government run schools and because of our silence(it's not my business attitude)we stand here today fighting a mind set we never dreamed would overtake the USA. We truley do face an enemy and we must defeat it one grass roots organization at a time. Thank you for starting this, on we march with relentless determination.

Doug said...

Cara Linde sent the following to my e-mail account.
I have had a
hard time locating the book "5000 year leap" in town and as of
yesterday Amazon had a 2-3 week to ship and Barnes and Noble was 1-2
week to ship. I called Far West Book Store today and they are
ordering the book for me tomorrow and it will be there in about 2-3
days. They will offer us 15% off as a bookclub discount if people
want to go in there to buy it. Like I said, it will be there in about
2-3 days. If anyone is interested they will write down our group name
and people can just ask at the counter or let them know they are with
our group to get the discount.

The cost through our group would be $12.70 with no shipping. That's for a hardbound copy.

Anonymous said...

FYI: Far West Books is located by Luke's Carpet and behind the Boy Scouts of America office building on Gage. (Across the boulevard from Costco.) Far West Books phone number, 735-1402.

I'll tell them to list our group as the Glenn Beck book group and/or the 9.12 book group.

I thought it would be great to 1) get it sooner than I could get online, 2) get a hardback, 3) support a local small business.

Anonymous said...

I am ready to feel like I can make a difference and not just vent. Venting can take place anywhere to anyone. I'd like to see us come up with a mission statement to guide our activities. I feel education ourselves and each other is critical. Education on the principles and values, American history, the Constitution, and issues before our local representatives and upcoming local votes. If we can use this group to inform ourselves on the issues and come up with real solutions and take appropriate actions I believe we will make a difference.

I am also interested in our sponsoring community involvement activities, such as school assemblies, exhibits depicting and representing the values and principles, voter registration drives, parade participation, etc.

One last idea, it seems that we can get the message out there best by being visible. Therefore, I propose that we "elect" a recorder to write up the minutes of our meetings and submit them to the paper for publication. Perhaps a well-crafted letter to the editor that we could all sign at a meeting could introduce our organization and efforts to the community. Just some ideas.

Unknown said...

A mission statement is impertant to help keep the group focused. We will need some structure, elected officers (with term limits of course), dues? We should be sure we have an American flag at all meetings and start with the pledge of allegiance, then, simce we all belive in God, I think an invocation would be appropriate. Since one of our goals is education, continued homework assignments will be important.

Ross Burton said...

Not everyone must believe in God to be part of the 9:12 project. Though I think if they are offended by God, that might be difficult. I agree wholeheartedly with having a prayer.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Guess I misread Principle #2.

Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to have so many people thinking alike and want to do something abou tit.

I agree with the ideas of prayer and/or pledge of allegiance before each meeting.

Having someone send our "minutes" to the paper is also a good idea. The more we can get our message out, the more people we can get involved.

I hope we can find 2-4 State issues that we can all agree on and start focusing on them.

phil said...

We need something that lets all of know what issues are coming down the pipeline, ie. Fairness doctrine, Dream Act, gun control. setting up a page that lets all members know when and who in congress to respond too, something that makes it easy for all to send faxes to our 2 senators and representative. Maybe a page that helps members find a job. Another place for members to help other members in need.

phil Warren said...

Maybe Glenn could have a wall of fame and shame for our senators and representatives showing us all what our congress is voting on and where they stand on issues.

Martina Carpenter said...

Before you start going off in a dozen directions you should consider the following: Learn the Constitution. If you don't, you are no better than the politicians you are mad at. This will give you focus and a framework within which you can actively work to make changes. If anyone is interested, I have about 100 Constitutions and I might be able to give you a quick crash course on that document that may give you a course of action. Or at least give you something to think about. I can be contacted at